
Michael & Tenielle - Camas, WA

Michael and Tenielle had one of the most touching, Christ-centered ceremonies and wedding days that I’ve ever been a part of. Their whole wedding day was a true testament to what God designed for the institute of marriage. It was important to Michael and Tenielle to use their wedding to glorify God and spread the love of Jesus to others, and that is exactly what they did.

“Our lives should be radically transformed if we understand God’s great love for us. The highest purpose of your marriage is not primarily for you, it’s to glorify God and demonstrate how great He is.” I loved how Todd really focused on the book of Ephesians during the ceremony, pointing out both how much God loves us and how also, in turn, that should effect our daily lives. How a Christian life is a fundamentally changed life. In Ephesians, Paul also talks about how a husband should love his wife much like Christ loved the church, while the wife must respect and honor her husband. I was also inspired by how much Todd talked about grace. That even though you love your spouse and love so many things about them, they still have weaknesses and flaws, and there will be times in their life that they sin, but that’s when they need your love and your grace the most. This is such a hard thing!! But such a wonderful reminder. Anyone single, dating, or married should truly watch their full ceremony film for a good message on marriage, and what we should all be praying for, looking for, and striving to be in our own relationships. Click here for their FULL CEREMONY.

During the ceremony, Todd described Michael and Tenielle as individuals, and then went on to say:

“You both prayed. And that set the stage for God to work and do something to bring your two paths and merge them into one. God has had the individual paths of your life merging together to become one.”

Knowing Tenielle since grade school, and hearing so many stories of Michael growing up, I know how passionate these two were about pursuing Jesus in their own lives. They certainly were on their own individual paths chasing goals, dreaming big, spreading kindness, and pursuing Jesus. Because of this, God gifted them with each other. AND WHAT A GIFT. To see how much light Tenielle brings to this world and how compassionate of a heart Michael has for others, they are unstoppable together. I can’t even imagine how much glory they will be bringing to God’s kingdom as a team!

Yes, God gifted them with each other.

But, their marriage is also God’s gift to us.

Michael and Tenielle, your love truly encompasses the fruits of the spirit.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23

Your life together is going to be a great testimony of what God intended for marriage. You have already impacted, inspired, and changed the lives of so many. You have set the bar high for intentional pursuit, and have been a beautiful example of what giving and receiving grace looks like. You inspire me and I am honored to be your friend. CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH YOU MOVE MOUNTAINS TOGETHER! I love you, Mr. and Mrs. Monda!

Venue/Bartending/Catering: Camas Meadows

Florals: Copper Blossom Design

Photography: Shelby Payne Photography

Hair/Makeup: Austie Eckley

Videography: RP Imagery